Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Eating Healthy & Losing Weight - Part 2

I was inspired by Kim at to turn a new leaf in the new year with my health and eating habits. As I've thought about it over the last few days and tried to make some small, beginning changes, I've decided the best approach for me is going to be Paul McKenna's approach. He was on TLC last spring here in the U.S. with a mini-series called "I Can Make You Thin" and when I stuck with his program, it worked.

What's different with this plan is that it teaches you how to eat. That may sound overly simplistic, but we in the Western world are so conditioned to eating wrong that we don't even realize that we're doing it. One of our biggest faults is eating by sight. We feel guilty if we don't "clean our plate" and end up eating more food than our bodies need. If you sit down with a plate of food that, looking at it, you think is a "normal" portion, but eat one bite at a time with your eyes closed, you will find that your body (stomach) sends a clear signal that it's full before you "clean your plate!"

The biggest feature in this plan is that no food is excluded. For health reasons I am obviously not going to exist on a diet of doughnuts just because I love them. But I am allowed to have one if I want to. By allowing me to choose any food I want when I am hungry, I am eliminating the inevitable craving for "forbidden" foods that so often leads to binging and falling off the wagon.

My personal battle will be with "picking." Eating out of boredom. I find I do that a LOT late in the day, and when I'm in the kitchen preparing dinner. Must. Stop.

So, I'll update here once a week to post on my progress. Feel free to comment as I would love the encouragement!


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I'm so excited that we are on this little journey together. My husbands birthday was yesterday so Peanut Butter Pie was on the menu but we don't have any birthdays for awhile so I should be good lol. I posted about supplements today and will be posting about exercise tomorrow. Can't wait to see how you do my friend.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I might have to check this out. I have been doing WW. But, I lost track with the Christmas season. I am going to start back though. I need to take better care of my body. Thanks for sharing!

BTW, I love Disney too! Can't wait to go back.

I came over from Mikki at The Review from My Beach chair. I was intrigued by your name "Legomom". I would qualify as that :o)

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