Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Umm....Excuse me?....

.....I think there's been some sort of a misunderstanding, because this I did NOT sign up for this!"

Well life has been getting interesting lately, to say the least. I'm wondering how much longer it can go on like this before one of us completely snaps. I should preface my rant with the disclaimer that at no time prior to this move did I have rose-colored-glasses visions of this perfect life in paradise. Vacation in Florida does not equal life in Florida. I realize that. But had I known it was going to go this awfully wrong, I would still be in NH, living in my in-law's basement.

No, actually, I should be at a camp in Texas.....But don't even get me started on that.....

We've been here almost 2 months now, and at this point I feel like I'm just waiting for the bottom to drop out from under us. It's already very unstable, so it's just a matter of time. I keep waiting for the Lord to intervene, to do some great "thing" and bring us up and out of this pit of despair. But so far, He hasn't. I know He's been with us all along this journey, and I have no doubt He's with us now, but He's been so terribly still. So quiet. I have learned quite a bit in the last couple of months - the details are fodder for another chapter entirely - and maybe that's the point of all this. No experience is ever wasted if you can get something out of it. One thing I will say I have come to terms with is that "stuff" is just that and can really weigh person down. At whatever point we leave this house, I'll be bringing fully half of what I arrived with. What a waste of time, effort and space to have brought it this far!!

At this point we are looking into "what next," because I believe you have to use wisdom in life as well as faith. The Bible is full of admonition to "get wisdom!" Had we put our feeble wisdom to better use 2 months ago, I'd be in Texas right now and my husband would have all the work he could handle and then some....

But I digress....

I love Florida, I really do. But it's not coming together for us at all. As my husband put it recently, everyone and his brother is a handyman looking for work around here. Manufacturing is out, and between those two options lie the realm of his experience. He's never sat behind a desk and entered data into a computer. That's not his style at all. He's a hands-on, get-good-n-dirty and fix it kind of guy! At this point we can make our June house payment, courtesy of my dad, but come July?? No clue. We are talking about re-activating our profile with the camping organization and see if we get any bites there again.

But I can tell you with utmost certainty, if the Lord does not intervene here in Florida, or we don't get any more leads with a camp somewhere, come July, I will, indeed, be living in my in-law's basement, in NH....


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

My friend I certainly can feel for you! My husband recently took a job completely out of his character. He is a hands on fix it kind of guy, an electrician by trade but he now sits at a computer all day. Why? Because it had job security and his other job didn't. He didn't "want" to do it but felt he needed to in this stupid economy. We tried moving a year ago because of the price of insurance and taxes but it didn't sell. We are stuck here for now and that puts so much pressure on my husband to have to make a certain amount to make ends meet. It's amazing what you'll do when you have to do it.
My friend I will certainly be in prayer about your situation. I know it's so hard when it seems the Lord is silent. But know that He IS in control.
Hang in there.

Mikki said...

Oh sweet blogging friend. I can so relate! We knew living in FL would be REALLY different then living in MD, but we looked at it as an adventure. But this adventure has been filled with trials and heartbreaks. We LOVE living here but the economy and the mindset of people down here is different.

Spiritually this move has been WONDERFUL for our family. It has stretched us and grown us and we have a better understanding of what relying and surrendering to God really means.

Through it all, I have tried to remind myself of Romans 8;28- God does all circumstances to do us good, even the ones that hurt and may seem as mistakes, God intends and will use for good. Remember the life of Joseph. Look from the outside his life was miserable - but God used it for good.

Whether your good will be staying here in FL or moving elsewhere - in the end it will mold you and shape you more into His image.

You will be in my prayers as I have been where you are at and have cried out to God in the same way.

Keep us posted and continue to trust in, rely on, and grab hold to the love of God.

In Christ

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