Saturday, February 28, 2009

Show & Tell Saturday

It's "Show & Tell Saturday" over at Homesteader's Heart, and Kim asked us to share a book that has inspired us to be better than we are. And as I thought about the many, many books I've read in my adult life, I kept coming back to one that has been there in recent years as a help, a guide, an idea bank, and an overall inspiration.
Except, it's not exactly a book.....
It's The Old Schoolhouse Magazine!

This little gem is only published four times a year (many of us wish it would go to bi-monthly!!) but oh do I look forward to each issue. From the letter from the editor at the beginning to the unit study ideas at the end, I usually read each issue cover-to-cover before it's all said and done. It's about homeschooling, yes, but it's so much's about families, and what God wants for His families. We are not currently home schooling, but I hope to again in the future and "TOS" will be there with me! When I have been hs'ing, the info I've found between its covers has often helped me to keep on keepin' on when it got tough. It has showed me, through letters from other readers, that I'm not alone in whatever obstacle I've been up against at the time. And most recenlty, it has kept the fire alive in me to want to pursue hs'ing again when the time comes (for those who don't know my story, we're on the verge of a BIG move!!....for those who do, stay tuned for an update entry sometime this weekend!).
So that's my "book" for Show & Tell Saturday! Thanks for stopping by!


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I'm with you! I really really like that magazine. Great choice my friend. I can't wait to hear about what's going on with your move. We may be in the same state before we know it!

Lisa said...



Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Oooohh, I love this, too! :D

Jennifer said...

I stand in awe each day that I read about you wonderful ladies homeschooling your children. It isn't something that I could do but in the day and age we live in with our public is a great thing.

Congratulations to all you ladies who have taken this on, achieved and accomplished much for your children! I applaud you!

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