Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some Sunday morning news

I don't normally post on Sundays. Not for any particular reason, it just usually seems sort of quiet in my circle of blog friends, so I lay low and wait for the posting frenzy to begin anew on Monday! Waiting

But what I want to post today is ALL about God's glory, so today seemed the perfect day to do it. We are moving, my friends. Our long-awaited prayer has been answered and we are on our way to a new adventure. What makes it remarkable is how it has all come about. And for that, you need a little background.

DH and I began praying about going to a Christian camp environment probably around four years ago now. At that point our house still needed lots of work to be ready to sell, so we knew it was going to be a bit of a wait before we could put our plan in action. Two years ago, through an on-line database that connects camps with potential employees, we were talking to two different camps and on the verge of moving to one that was our dream camp/job/location. But we needed just a few weeks longer to finish up the house than they were able to wait, so sadly we had to pass on the offer, and it faded off into history. We were devastated. But, determined to press on, in autumn that year we listed our house on the market and waited expectantly for God to move. The housing market was just starting to down-turn then, but it wasn't too bad. Yet. We had a lot of showings and a lot of "almost"s, but nothing went through until February of last year. We had an offer!! We hadn't be pursuing any camps at that point but were just sure that God would make the way once the house was sold. The very next day after the offer was accepted and the papers were signed, the man lost his job!!!!! That was the very abrupt end of that.

I will admit to you here and now that that one really shook my faith. Not the foundations of it, but the "WHY?, Lord?" I withdrew spiritually for over three months. God was still my Father, but I wasn't speaking to Him! I felt like the rug had just been completely ripped out from under me and I fell flat on my back with all the wind knocked out of me. I was the bruised reed that had indeed been crushed!! How much more was I supposed to take?

Fast forward to this winter. We put the house on the market in mid-January. At this point the economy has tanked, my DH's job is very tenuous (his company is automotive-related, which should tell you something!), and if we don't sell the house the bank is gonna get it.... We are backed into a corner. Helpless. Our hands are tied.

Hmm....isn't that just where God often wants us, so He can do His best work?!?

Yep! And He did! Less than 30 days after listing our house, we had an offer!! And the very same week, DH was contacted by two different camps seeking him for a position!

We are still waiting for some little details to fall into place with the house, but it's moving forward as it should (so my realtor tells me!) and I trust God for those details. We should have a closing date at the end of the month! Meanwhile, hubby is flying to Texas in a few days to meet with the camp director in person. He is so excited about this and I am so happy about that; he has been in a job where he's miserable for so, so long. It'll make me happy to see him so happy in his new role! My dream of moving to Florida hasn't happened, but God has set this all in place and there's a reason for it. On a purely practical level, the unemployment rate in FL is currently around 8%....that's very high and to just move on down and hope we can find work is quite a gamble. If the Lord had led us to do so, of course we'd trust Him for the next step, but He's leading us another way and I know it'll be best. On the "sunny side," we'll only be a 2-day drive from FL instead of our currrent 3, and I still get a warm climate!....yay!!!!



Mikki said...

What a great post. SO happy to see God working.
Yes, the economy down here is scary. We are self employed and my husband deals with multiple customers. He has lost a lot of customers lately do to lay offs.
God is in control though and He continues to provide.
Looking forward to see where he takes you all as well!

creativeamanda said...

All of this is awesome news, Maria! I am so glad that through all of this you can see God's hand in everything. He will see through all of the details and be with you every step! We'll continue to be praying for His will in your lives.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I really like it when things move in a forward direction. We know that when the time comes we will be able to move OUT of Florida! LOL. The Lord has provided my husband a job opportunity that is a bit more secure then the one he has now so in this economy that's a really good thing!
I'm glad I got to catch up on where you are at!

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