Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A house!....a house! kingdom for a house!

Well, you know, in all this planning and moving bit, I never thought finding a place to live was going to be the hard part! I always thought the job-hunting would be the challenge, but instead it has turned out to be quite the opposite. Hubby has a lead on a possible job already, but darned if I can find a decent and suitable place to rent.

The big apartment complexes are out because they require a 12-month commitment and proof of income. I've been scouring ads for rental homes but most of what I would consider "affordable" is in less-than-desirable neighborhoods. We had one hopeful prospect - not fantastic but do-able - and my dad even met with the landlords. His conversation with the man went very well but the wife seems to have gone all sneaky on him and took a deposit from someone else before we could solidify the deal. Grr.......

So now we have a local realtor trying to find us something temporary. I think we need to get down there and get settled and get our feet under us before people will talk to us. It will also give us a chance to really scour the various parts of town and see where we'd like to be and stay for a while.

But let's hope we find that short-term place SOON! I feel like I'm running out of time....

1 comment:

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I could totally help you out if you were looking on this side of the state! LOL. But sadly I am no help at all! I do hope you find something soon.

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