Sunday, July 26, 2009

Blessed Sunday

Two weeks from today, we will be arriving in Texas. I'm very ready for this and cannot wait to settle into our new home! Of course we're still praying through the sale of our current home, but I can do nothing more than advertise it and the outcome is in Another's hands.

As I write this we are having one of our typical little pop-up thunder storms. On the local radar, it's a tiny spot of "yellow" and as usual, it's right over us! Go three blocks in either direction, and it's dry. Funny Florida weather...

We will head to church in a while, then spend the afternoon home. My dad is coming over and we're grilling lunch over charcoal. A friend of his passed away the other day and I think he's a little shaken up by it. We're glad to have him over for a while for some company! Later on we'll go to the beach. Trying to take advantage of that while we can!! Galveston will be about a 2-1/2 hour ride for us, so going to the beach will become a once-in-a-while outing and last all day.

Whatever this day holds for you, I hope it's a good one!

Blessings my friends....


Mikki said...

Two weeks.WOW!! Praying all goes well!!
Enjoy the day. Sounds like it will be fun at your house and the beach.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Oy! I pray that all goes well my friend.

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