Tuesday, November 3, 2009


....is a bad day.....

Today, I am really disliking home schooling.

Today, I really wish I had another alternative!

But I don't. So I must press on. I feel like my kids are learning nothing. I feel like we just float through our days with no aim. Mostly that's my fault. I am no good at organizing a school day without turning it into a classroom-at-home. I can't seem to find that middle ground. If I try to put some organization to the day, the kids balk at having to do "work." If I try to back off and let them follow their own natural leading, it goes NO where! Well, no, that's not entirely true....but their leading more often than not has nothing to do with "learning" what so ever. Left to their own devices, it would be tv, video games and such.

I'm so frustrated. I feel like I can't win here. And I'm tired of fighting this battle.


1 comment:

Mikki said...

Hey girl!
Keep pressing on girlfriend! Oh, I've been there too. Having homeschooled for 12 + years, I have been there SOOO many times.. this morning as a matter fact..

It's still SOOOO worth it in the end.

Blessings to you this day..

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