Sunday, November 9, 2008

There are HOW many people there??!!.....

I have been realizing the last few days what a culture shock it's going to be for us - and esp. the kids - moving from our tiny hamlet of barely 1200 residents to central Florida where a "small" town is more like 10,000 people! The two examples that woke me up to this were first of all looking at the web site of a church. It had an ad on one of the Ocala newspaper's web site, so I clicked it to see what it was about. It turns out to be something right up our alley, but I tell you there is nothing in all of New England quite like this place!! The segment they had on their children's programs was amazing, and there were a ton of kids. Then I thought, kids now are lucky if they have 15 kids in their Sunday school class!!!

Then, the other day I was looking up schools and school districts in the area we are looking to move to. The site I was on listed the various schools in a given county, followed by a few stats and then the school's population/enrollment..... Again, WOW. My kids' elementary school has a total pop. of maybe 80 kids. The average down there is well into the hundreds, and the middle and high schools are huge!!!

So, it's going to be interesting to say the least! But I hope it will also be a positive experience as well. While there are some aspects of rural NH living that are great, there is a whole other world out there that we don't get to see very often.

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